Thursday, July 18, 2013

Is it my fault that I'm not popular?


Damn, I don't know what to say (or type?) here.

But, well.. Just wanna say that I feel so lonely.

So lonely, my heart aches.

I got a new class in school, and in that class, I don't know any of them.

I want to befriend them, but they already got a better friend.

And my friends, already got people to replace me.

I know some guy friends, but of course they prefer to befriend the other guys.

My best guy friends, they've got separate class to. I couldn't talk with them freely.

And after I read this manga , I feel lonelier. My god, the main character, Kuroki Tomoko, she's so loner it matches me. She can't make any friend with her high school classmates, no one recognize her, she prefer to play games and read manga in class because she couldn't make any move to talk with her classmates.

Damn, I did those A LOT.
She spoke my mind

Even the title already match my feelings,

" It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular! "


It's that their fault?

Or my fault?