Thursday, July 18, 2013

Is it my fault that I'm not popular?


Damn, I don't know what to say (or type?) here.

But, well.. Just wanna say that I feel so lonely.

So lonely, my heart aches.

I got a new class in school, and in that class, I don't know any of them.

I want to befriend them, but they already got a better friend.

And my friends, already got people to replace me.

I know some guy friends, but of course they prefer to befriend the other guys.

My best guy friends, they've got separate class to. I couldn't talk with them freely.

And after I read this manga , I feel lonelier. My god, the main character, Kuroki Tomoko, she's so loner it matches me. She can't make any friend with her high school classmates, no one recognize her, she prefer to play games and read manga in class because she couldn't make any move to talk with her classmates.

Damn, I did those A LOT.
She spoke my mind

Even the title already match my feelings,

" It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular! "


It's that their fault?

Or my fault?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just a rant from a bad luck Hikkikomori

Yo guys! It's been a long time since the last time I posted something.

Because there's nothing interesting to post, so I don't have any urge to post something.

Dan lama-lama gua males pake bahasa inggris, jadi post yang ini pake bahasa aja yah :3


Sekarang ini... gua lagi liburan nih. Karena anak kelas 12 lagi UN, gua sebagai anak kelas 10 yang imoet dan baik hati ya dapet libur. Katanya sih biar yang ujian bisa konsen gitu. Kalo gua masuk sekolah kan dunia mereka teralihkan oleh gua....

Ah, semuanya karena gua terlalu imut.

*dibantai kopassus*

Dan akhirnya.... setelah berbulan-bulan gua disiksa oleh tugas-tugas sekolah nan jahanam juga ulangan-ulangan nan sadist padahal gua bukan masochist.... gua bisa juga bersantai sejenak.....
menikmati angin sepoi-sepoi...
ayam pun berjalan dengan senang..
FYI, gua itu lebih ke sadist lho.

Sebagian besar orang menggunakan liburan ini sebagai ajang jalan-jalan atau main ke rumah temen atau sebagainya, yang pasti di luar rumah.

Dan gua?

Apa yang gua lakukan?

Tentu lah gua memilih diem di rumah aja.


Oke, tenang. Gua itu bukan orang biasa, yang demen main keluar rumah, bersosialisasi dengan koloni-koloninya.

Karena... *jeng jeng jeng jeng*
Gua itu hikkikomori
...........tapi masih kelas teri sih.

Gua gak sedewa hikkikomori kelas akut yang gak pernah keluar kamarnya sendiri.
Yah, seenggaknya gua tahan ga keluar rumah berhari-hari _(: 3 7 )_

Gua tuh suka bingung kalau orang-orang suka bilang "bosen di rumah nih" , "pengen keluar rumah :( " , dsb.

Emangnya rumah lu kenapa guys!?!?!?

Padahal gua gak punya playstation, nintendo ds, xbox+kinect, wii, kalau mau makan harus masak sendiri, udah gitu makanannya indomie dkk, ga punya pembantu.
Tapi gua gak hampir gak pernah bosen di rumah.

Menurut pengamatan gua, rata-rata orang yang bosen sama rumahnya sendiri itu punya segala sesuatu yang gua sebutkan di atas.

Apakah kalian bosen dengan segala yang kalian punya? Kalian tau gak nasib orang-orang yang ga bisa semakmur kalian?

Dan dengan enaknya minta yang baru cuma dengan sedikit rengekan.

Ada loh temen gua yang karena bosen sama hapenya, dia banting sampe rusak terus minta diganti yang baru.


Dia gak tau apa, udah bertahun-tahun gua pengen punya hape baru tapi gua ga berani mintanya. Karena gua tau orang tua gua punya rencana lain yang lebih berguna buat gua dengan harta yang ga banyak.

Makanya, kalo temen-temen gua nanya
"Hape lu kok ganti-ganti ken? Kenapa ga beli BB aja?"

gua cuma bisa senyum doang, tapi dalem hati teriak,
"Because I'm not like you, whiny bitches.
I respect my parents.
And I don't need those device that makes me away from people around me."
don't forget the middle fingers.

.....................Kok gua melenceng jauh dari topik ya.

Back to the topic~~

Gua suka banget di rumah.
Ga pernah ada yang bikin bosen di rumah gua.

Komputer, beh, harta karun gua.
Penuh dengan anime-anime hentai dan game-game eroge yang selalu menemani gua dikala kesendirian menyerang.
.............sebenernya kesendirian selalu menyerang gua. *I'M NOT STARING AT YOU EMPTY INBOX*

Ada juga novel-novel yang sengaja gua baca skip-skip, biar gua bisa baca ulang. Dan sampe sekarang kegiatan ini selalu menghabiskan waktu gua.
Pasti pada mikir, "beli aja yang baru, recet amat."

Terus akhir-akhir ini gua sering minjem tablet punya ibu gua. Mumpung beliau jarang banget pake, gua permak itu tablet abis-abisan. Gua isiin sim card gua biar bisa dipake buat internetan dan browsing fakku dan gua isiin macem-macem light novel jadi gua bisa baca dimanapun dan kapanpun. Gua juga masukkin game-game kecil biar kalo ada temen yang minjem, dia bisa mainin itu game dan ga ngecek history browser gua yang nista.

Dan kalau ketiga hal di atas bikin gua bosen.....
gua tidur.


Sip lah ya.
Udah ah, gua mau tidur.

---Bad Luck Hikki ( ・ω・)ノ

Friday, March 22, 2013

Stuffs that makes you forget about stuffs

Yoholo fellas.


I've been through many situations.

So f****g hard moments.

Although I've forgotten about that moments......

........... sobs.... (/□\*)・゜

Well, this is because of the Rotten Fangirl's friendzone post, that hard moments came back to my memories. Damn you gurl, you're not supposed to do that. I'll fucking rape hit you reaaalllyy bad~

Oh right, back to the topic.

Her story was so much better than mine.

Mine was.. completely fucked up.

Her...."ex-crush"...... was just playing with her emotions with romantic words.

But mine?

My "ex-crush".....
He fucking played my fucking emotion with his fucking words AND his fucking body gestures.
He fucking toyed me!!!!!!!!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ︵ ┻━┻ !!!!
And after that, he just tossed me off and date a fucking girl with no ease. And everytime he had a lovey-dovey moment with his bitch girlfriend, he'll post it on Twitter like anyone cares.
And I'm the one who cares.... ಠ_ಠ
And.. every time he sees me, he will give a "WTF" look to me and walks off talking with another girl.
He never talk to me like usual again. Don't see me every day like he used to, never greet me again.
Just... what the fuck dude. After all of the things that you have done to me... (ಠ益ಠ)

Well, there were days when his behavior to me are back like usual. He greeted me with a fun way, stole my juice and drink it with a flirty look, make fun of me.... \(//∇//)\

Damn, I cried when I remember that. Literally. When he did that things, I wanna scream "Welcome home, boy!" and hug him.

..............But, of course I couldn't do that (*´_ゝ`)

Because I'm a dumb coward.... (。┰ω┰。)

But, thankfully, when I was really depressed because of that shits, God sent me an angel.
An unexpected angel.

And the angel is....
my senpai (senior).
The senpai I never really have a real proper conversation with before.

Really, you never understand what The Creator was thinking for your future.

There's a day when we have a small arguments... And the arguments lead into big arguments..
And, don't know why, that big arguments.. lead into a private conversation...

And now, we are good friends. (#/。\#)

What a twist, huh?

When I checked our chat history, my thought is just..

"How the fuck the past make a develop into this?"

And how this stuff make me completely forget about dat fucking assholes for days...

Thanks to him too, I found many interesting I won't ever think about. Music, anime, games.

Thanks for making me forget some stuffs, nyan-senpai. Have a safe trip and come back home safely tomorrow! ヽ(=^・ω・^=)丿

Now, time to watch Pewdiepie's videos!! ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ

Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's all about music

Hello guys.

Somehow that greeting reminds me about my ex-teacher.
He always greet his students with "Hello, guys" , "Morning, guys!" and anything added with "guys".

Guess he love guys.


God my ex-teacher is a homo.

But he was a really nice guy and a fun teacher. Thanks God he quit being teacher not before I moved school. Hope you will get a boyfriend as soon as possible.

Out of topic, anyway.

The topic for this post is..... my music taste.

I have a WIDE musical taste. 

As wide as my love for you, babe 


It's okay, I don't have any lover ;) Don't lose your hopes, folks! #SHOT

Well, I enjoy any genres. You can give me pop, dance, techno, acoustic, jazz, rock, metal, classic or anything.
As long as the song sounds nice.

But if you are: 

punk rock listener


Vocaloid lover,


What? What's Vocaloid? Google it, dumbass. I fucking tired explaining the definition of vocaloid to mainstream people like you.

Oh yeah, for now I'm into Chorus and Japanese-trance-pop 


First, the Chorus. 
Last week my friend was joining a youtube chorus competition, MBCB. When I was checking out the entries, there's one group that really caught my attention. Their genre is different, and their songs are sung by my favorite singers, Kokia and Akiko Shikata. I never thought that their songs would be covered by anyone, because their songs difficulty are EXTREME. You must be a really pro singer if you can cover their songs. But this group, Bacio Della Morte. God, they covered the songs with no ease. Insta-love, of course. And this week, I replayed their songs over and over again like a crazy fangirl. You must check out their covers. 

Next, the Japanese trance-pop. 
Days ago, my senior told me that he's a fan of Kz, one of my favorite vocaloid composers. He told me that Kz composed some songs for Macross 30 game. And he said that Kz did remix for Macross' songs, which is a new fact for me. I just know Kz as a very talented vocaloid-trance composer. So, when I listen to Kz's Macross remixes.... WHAM. Insta-love again. Just like when the first time I heard his "Last Night Good Night". The chills, the goosebumps. I feel like I fallen for Kz (again).

But these two genres are not my new love. I love that genres since long time ago, but now the feelings are back again.

And the new love is: POST-HARDCORE.

I've explained why I love post-hardcore in my first post.

Every time I hear post-hardcore songs, my mind would always like, "Wow i actually can listen to things like this" . It's like my love for post-hardcore is an accident that I never planned.

But post-hardcore is so much better than accident, y'know.

That's all I that I can say. Sorry for the ramblings.

Oh my, my yaoi-doujinshi downloads are finished. Time to read~

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Greetings from someone random

Ollo my lewd disciples.

Guess this is my first post.

My first babbling.


I don't know what to say. Really. I have no idea.
My friends, Dumbass and The Fangirlin' Queen are the ones who suggest me to make me a blog.

And Gita is the one who suggest me to make a hentai blog.


But what can I do to make a hentai blog.......


Actually they're more hentai and ecchi than me, but why they want me to make something hentai......... //cries
They always bullied me and say that I'm so pervert and stuff but really, there are moments that they're have more disgusting and scary things about sex toys more than adults knew.

So scary, isn't it.

Well, I admit that I have some perverted thoughts. And you think I'm sick because I admitted it.
But. I don't care your fuckin' rambles.

I don't care if you want to said that I'm a bitch or so, at least I'm not like some real bitches and whores that give their bodies to random douchebag guys.

My body is belong to my 2D guys and my beloved rockstars. 
And this is....

Actually my harem have more guys, but this will do.

And because of someone (2 person actually), now I love post-hardcore songs.
I never think that screaming guys that "AAARGRGAHHAGAARGGHH FUCK YOUUUU" would be sexy in my eyes. And my ears. Thanks God for blessed me so many sexy-voiced guys.
And thanks to these two, my voice-fetish widened into screamo.

Okay, that's all.
 Next time maybe I'll post something ecchi.



~69'th Hokage.

 VII - Bacio Della Morte