Saturday, March 16, 2013

It's all about music

Hello guys.

Somehow that greeting reminds me about my ex-teacher.
He always greet his students with "Hello, guys" , "Morning, guys!" and anything added with "guys".

Guess he love guys.


God my ex-teacher is a homo.

But he was a really nice guy and a fun teacher. Thanks God he quit being teacher not before I moved school. Hope you will get a boyfriend as soon as possible.

Out of topic, anyway.

The topic for this post is..... my music taste.

I have a WIDE musical taste. 

As wide as my love for you, babe 


It's okay, I don't have any lover ;) Don't lose your hopes, folks! #SHOT

Well, I enjoy any genres. You can give me pop, dance, techno, acoustic, jazz, rock, metal, classic or anything.
As long as the song sounds nice.

But if you are: 

punk rock listener


Vocaloid lover,


What? What's Vocaloid? Google it, dumbass. I fucking tired explaining the definition of vocaloid to mainstream people like you.

Oh yeah, for now I'm into Chorus and Japanese-trance-pop 


First, the Chorus. 
Last week my friend was joining a youtube chorus competition, MBCB. When I was checking out the entries, there's one group that really caught my attention. Their genre is different, and their songs are sung by my favorite singers, Kokia and Akiko Shikata. I never thought that their songs would be covered by anyone, because their songs difficulty are EXTREME. You must be a really pro singer if you can cover their songs. But this group, Bacio Della Morte. God, they covered the songs with no ease. Insta-love, of course. And this week, I replayed their songs over and over again like a crazy fangirl. You must check out their covers. 

Next, the Japanese trance-pop. 
Days ago, my senior told me that he's a fan of Kz, one of my favorite vocaloid composers. He told me that Kz composed some songs for Macross 30 game. And he said that Kz did remix for Macross' songs, which is a new fact for me. I just know Kz as a very talented vocaloid-trance composer. So, when I listen to Kz's Macross remixes.... WHAM. Insta-love again. Just like when the first time I heard his "Last Night Good Night". The chills, the goosebumps. I feel like I fallen for Kz (again).

But these two genres are not my new love. I love that genres since long time ago, but now the feelings are back again.

And the new love is: POST-HARDCORE.

I've explained why I love post-hardcore in my first post.

Every time I hear post-hardcore songs, my mind would always like, "Wow i actually can listen to things like this" . It's like my love for post-hardcore is an accident that I never planned.

But post-hardcore is so much better than accident, y'know.

That's all I that I can say. Sorry for the ramblings.

Oh my, my yaoi-doujinshi downloads are finished. Time to read~

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